Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Leveling up easier on Disgaea DS

I was in your shoes until just a couple days ago actually. I've been replaying Disgaea in preperation for Disgaea 2, and I was at a loss for how to quickly level.

What I was doing wrong was trying to level up all of my characters at once using the Cave of Trials 3 stage. After 250 hours of play, it still seemed like my characters were stuck in the 300's.

Then I decided I'd try shoving every statistician and every gladiator I had into Laharl, and had him kill every enemy, every time. Well he went from level 320 to 1005 in about 1.5 hours. It would have gone alot faster than that but I was bringing out some minor characters everytime so they could get a popshot to level up their weapon skills. Then I switched my items to another character and did the same thing.

After maybe 5 hours, I now have 5 characters over level 1000 (this is with the set of 9 monsters being around level 340 or so, which I think is probably the 6th or 7th level of monster difficulty). Once I get maybe 10 or 15 characters past level 1000, I'm going to try getting more items and specialists, then bumping the monster level up a few more times and going for 2000. The main thing I want to do is unlock the secret characters at level 2000 and 2500, then I can be happy with switching over to Disgaea 2 then

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