Please do not post until I say so to ensure the completeness of this guide in a whole!
Section 1 - FAQ
Section 9 - SONGS
Q: What is a good starting team?
A: Some people will tell you otherwise, but a team with a balanced amount of melee users and magic users/healers
would be the best. Though, the game is actually most easily beaten by solo-ing the way through.
Q: What weapon should I use?
A: It depends on your preference, but the most used weapons have got to be the swords, axes and staves (plural
of staff). Swords have good skills for AoE, but requires some positioning. Axes have good skills for hitting
a single unit for heavy damage, but some of them requires some free space(s). Magics are the most versatile
as they require not positioning/free spaces, and hit for long range (as far as 9 spaces away).
Q: I cant beat !! Help please??
A: If there is something you can't beat, use the basic strategies as how you would with other SRPGs.
- Level up your characters some more. Use some good levelling stages to aid you in the process.
- Buy better equips for your characters.
- Steal away enemies' equips.
- Level up equips in the Item World (remember to always carry a Mr. Gency Exit though!)
- Use Geo Symbols to your advantage, destroy Geo Symbols that are disadvantageous towards you ASAP.
- You can tower throw by picking up a character, and then picking them up with another
- Transmigrate to a higher tier of that specific class, and to a better characteristic
such as skilled, genius, etc.
- A good SRPG player should be able to predict the opponent's next move, and forming a way to counter it
or better yet, forming your moves in such a way that the opponent acts the way you want them to.
- Use the S in the SRPG.
- Never give up.
Q: How do I fill up the bonus gauge fast?
A: - Learn to Geo chain.
- Create a bunch of thieves, attack an enemy and finish it off with a strong unit.
- Scout's Geo Change may help.
Q: I don't get the Geo Symbols and Chaining thingy! Help?
A: Geo Symbols are artifacts which carry different effects on all the same colored panels they reside on.
Geo Chaining is the triggering of massive destruction of Geo Panels, which ultimately leads to the Panel
Termination Bonus. For more info, refer to Section 7, "SPECIALISTS/RESIDENTS/ITEM WORLD/GEOS".
Q: I can't reach the zombie king in Cave of Ordeal 5!! Help?
A: There are two possible ways to reach the zombie king.
- Tower throwing using characters which are able to throw as far as 6 panels away. Only Gordon and thieves
have such throwing range.
- Using a Hyperdrive (an equipment).
Posted 9/4/2008 12:25:43 AM
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Q: Etna Mode, should I use the code or proceed using New Game+?
A: I would say yes to the latter, as this is the only way you'll gain access to the best levelling spot in the
game, the Etna Cave of Ordeal 3. Starting the game by inputting the code will make the enemies' levels
significantly lower compared to the enemies in Etna Mode using New Game+.
Q: How do I get the option to choose between Laharl Mode or Etna Mode using New Game +?
A: Refer to Section 8, "ENDINGS/NEW GAME+"
Q: What is the code for starting off with Etna Mode?
A: For Disgaea DS version, JP release - Input "X - Y - B - X - Y - B - A" with your cursor on the New Game.
You will hear Etna's voice before it starts.
For the PSP version, JP release - Input "Triangle, Square, X, Triangle Square, X, Circle" with your cursor
on the New Game. You will hear Etna's voice before it starts.
For the PSP version, NA release - Input "Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle Square, Circle,
X" with your cursor on the New Game. You will hear Etna's voice before it starts.
Q: What is this "Glitched Foresights/Glitched Tainted Staff" I've been hearing of?
A: Those are only present in the PSP version of Disgaea AoD. They are Foresights/Tainted Staffs which contains
high amount of pre-subdued specialists, and only contain Laharls in their item world. The glitched Foresights
when equipped, reduces the jump of a character to -100.
Q: Counter glitch?
A: Apparently it was removed in the Disgaea DS version. A good news to hear.
Q: How do I get the Hyperdrive?
A: Refer to Section 6, "ITEMS/EQUIPMENTS".
Q: How do I get the Legendary Cosmic Blade?
A: Refer to Section 6, "ITEMS/EQUIPMENTS".
Q: How do I get out of the Item World? Help?
A: There are two ways to get out from the Item World
-Using a Mr. Gency exit (can be used anytime)
-Selecting Yes after being prompted to (only available for every 10 floors you clear).
Q: How do I get more Mr. Gency Exit?
A: For every 10 floors in the Item World, it will appear as the first prize in the bonus list. Also, it may
occasionally appear on bonus lists as well.
Q: Are there any missables in this game?
A: The only truly missables in this game are some items. More info on Section 6, "ITEMS/EQUIPMENTS".
Q: OH NO!! I killed the and now I cant proceed to the next map/Item World/etc!! HELP??!!
A: Save your game and reset/reboot it. The NPC will be resurrected.
Q: What is the customer's product rank for?
A: You can pass the "More Expensive Items" bill in accordance to your customer product rank. This will increase
you product rank, and the highest ranked product you can buy from the stores are Rank 38 items. Also note
that shops will only sell common items, never rare or legendary item.
Q: What is transmigration, what does it do? What are the significance of it, when should I start transmigrating
Q: How do I get the option to transmigrate?
A: You have to be at Demon Rank 3 minimum, then select the option "Transmigrate" in the Dark Assembly.
Q: How should I allocate bonus points? Atk, Def, Int...? Help?
Posted 9/4/2008 12:27:02 AM
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Q: What are the level cap/stats cap of this game?
Q: How many characters can I use on the battlefield?
Q: How many characters can I have at a given time?
Q: How to raise the % in team attack?
A: Two ways
- When those participating in team attack are masters/pupils to each other.
- When those participating in team attack are wielding the same weapon.
Q: How are EXP split between those participating in team attack?
A: If the enemy dies within the team attack, every participant will obtain 1/2 of the EXP, regardless of the number
of participants.
Q: How do I get fast money?
A: Two ways
- Equip a lvl 300 Broker (a specialist) on your main attacker, this will net him 300% extra boost in money
when an enemy is killed.
- Now this is a cheap way. Get someone's spear mastery to lvl 25 fast by hitting him/herself with an ally
repeatedly in a stage covered with Invincibility panel, then enter and exit the Dark Assembly using that
character, talk to Longinus (the spear in the middle of the room in your castle) and you will get it.
Sell of Longinus for plenty of money, lose to Mid-Boss, and get it back on the subsequent playthrough,
Rinse and repeat as needed.
Q: How do I steal?
A: You'll need to have items known as "hands" before you can steal. Buy them at shops, obtain them from the
Record Keeper, and use them as you would like any other items in battle.
Q: How do I train up Flonne/cleric? She/They don't even have any offensive magic spells!
A: Actually, Flonne do learn one, but it comes pretty late. Refer to Section 3 "CHARACTERS/STATS EXPLAINATION" for
an alternative many players use.
Q: What is/is not considered an ally kill?
A: Refer to Section 8, "ENDINGS/NEW GAME+"
Q: How do I unlock new class/tiers?
Q: What is the best/fastest way to go around unlocking the Angel/Majin class? The level requirement is so high!
Q: Who is that red-haired dood, the blonde-haired chick and the red weird book?
A: The former two, Adell and Rozalin are the main characters of Disgaea 2, while the latter is Zetta, and
is the main character of Makai Kingdom.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:27:37 AM
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Q: Who is that male cleric standing at one corner in my castle?
A: That is the Record Keeper, added when Disgaea PSP was ported, and present in Disgaea DS as well. He keeps
many record of your progress, such as item collection, secret bosses defeated, etc.
Q: How do I pronounce Disgaea?
A: You'll be surprised that I've seen this questions several times. Disgaea is pronounced as "Dis-gai-ya(h)".
Any other way(s) of pronouncing is inaccurate.
Q: what does Disgaea means?
A: Disgaea literally translate to dis (not) and gaea (earth). Not earth. How you perceive the sentence, I'll leave
it to you.
Q: I am new to/never heard of Disgaea. Is it worth playing? Should I get it?
A: Disgaea is an SRPG. But what makes it unique from others is the depth it provides. Disgaea has:
- A level cap of 9999 (not a typo)
- Huge replayability
- 10 different endings to see
- Geo symbols which make the battle more strategic, having a puzzle sort of element in it;
- Item world, which consist of randomly generate stages when you enter an item to level it up (yes, items
can level up too, making it stronger/better)
- Dark Assembly, where you can create your own generic character, pass proposals for different purposes, etc
- And the whole game itself is packed with plenty of laughters and parody of pop culture. It is entertaining,
yet it tells a grand story (if you've figured out the ultimate truth of the whole story).
- Multiplayer battles with loads of strategical element thrown in.
All in all, I would say its definitely worth playing/getting.
Q: How long is this game?
A: If you are a complete newbie to this game, with no referencing to guides whatsoever, it should take you
around 50 hours+ to complete. For a seasoned player, around 10 to 20 hours. The fastest recorded time was
for Disgaea PS2, a ground breaking 5 hours plus.
Q: Is there a New Game+ in this game?
A: Yes there is.
Q: What do I retain in New Game+? What can I do in NG+?
A: Refer to Section 8, "ENDINGS/NEW GAME+"
Q: Demon Gadgets, Geo Cubes? What are those? What do they do?
A: Refer to Section 11, "LINKING/MULTIPLAYER"
Q: I heard Disgaea DS reduced the amount of characters you can have, is it true?
A: Yes it is true, as far as we know from the JP version. Whether will the number be increased for the NA
release, nobody knows.
Q: I heard Disgaea DS heavily reduced the amount of voice acting in Disgaea DS, is it true?
A: Unfortunately, it is true, as far as the JP version goes. NISA however, promised full voice acting previously
so we shall see if they uphold their promises.
Q: What are the difference between the PS2/PSP/DS version?
Q: I already have Disgaea PS2/PSP, should I get this; or which version should I get? DS, PSP or PS2?
A: Refer to Section 12, "COMPARISON OF THE DISGAEA PS2, PSP AND DS VERSION" and decide for yourself if you
think it's worth it/whichever version is of your preference.
Q: Should I get this game, or should I ?
A: My answer would be "Disgaea" 95% of the time, so it depends on you if you'd like to follow my advice or not.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:28:15 AM
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Below are some term/abbreviation you'll commonly see people use for Disgaea (while the others are stated for my
AoE - Area of effect
acc - Accuracy
AM - Armsmasters (a specialist)
ans - Answer
apt - Aptitude
atk/ATK - Attack
BoE - Beauty of Evil
BB - Blue bar. An aspect of transmigration.
BP - Bonus point. An aspect of transmigration.
BG - Bonus Gauge
calc - Calculation
char - Character
CoO - Cave of Ordeal
CoO3 - The third map of Cave of Ordeal
DA - Dark Assembly
def/DEF - Defend/Defence
DJ - Double Jump, the company who made Disgaea OSG.
DHM - Demonhall Mirror
DM - Divine majin
dmg - Damage
ECoO3 - The third stage of Cave of Ordeal in Etna Mode.
EDF - Earth Defence Force
EXP - Experience point
GP - Geo Panel
GS - Geo Symbol
HD - Hyperdrive
HL - Hell, the currency for the Netherworld.
HP - Hit Points
IB - Item Boss, which constitutes of Item General, Item King and Item God(2).
IG - Item God
IG2 - Item God 2
INT - Intelligence
IW - Item World
JP - Japan
HD - Hyperdrive
LCB - Legendary Cosmic Blade, the weapon needed to gain access to the strongest sword, Yoshi.
lvl - Level
N1/NIS/NISA- Nippon Ichi/Nippon Ichi Software is the company who made Disgaea.
NA - North America
NG - New Game
NG+ - New Game+
OHKO - One-hit KO
OSG - Official Strategy Guide
PvP - Player VS Player
ques - Question
RES - Resistant/Resistance
Rxx - Rank xx where xx is an integer
Rouge - Also loosely used with the term "Thief"
SEB - Stronger Enemy Bill
SP - Skill Points/Special Points
SPD - Speed
SRS - Super Robo Suit
stats - Status/Statistics/Statisticians
spec - Specialist
trans - Transmigrate/Transmigration
transing - Transmigrating
trunc - Truncate (dropping of the decimals)
UPB - Uber Prinny Baal
VA - Voice acting/Voice actor
ver - Version
WEB - Weaker Enemy Bill
WM - Weapon Mastery
WML - Weapon Mastery Level
wpn - Weapon
xxx-y - Represents the stage where xxx = chapter number/abbreviation of place and y = stage number.
e.g. 14-1 is chapter 14, first stage, CoO3 is Cave of Ordeal 3 (Stage 3).
YB - Yellow bar. An aspect of transmigration.
Yoshitsuna - Rank 40 sword (the most powerful sword in the game).
Posted 9/4/2008 12:28:54 AM
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Q: How do I unlock other humanoid classes?
ANGEL - Have a Female Cleric, Knight and Archer all at level 100 or higher.
ARCHER - Train a char to Level 3 or higher in Bow Weapon Mastery.
EDF SOLDIER - Train a char Level 30 or higher Gun Weapon Mastery.
GALAXY MAGE - Level a Prism Mage to Level 50.
GALAXY SKULL - Level a Prism Skull to Level 50.
KNIGHT - Have a Female Warrior and Female Mage each at level 10 or higher.
MAJIN - Have a Male Warrior, Brawler, Ninja, Rogue and Scout all at level 200 or higher.
NINJA - Have a Male Fighter and Male Warrior with a total level of 10 or higher.
PRISM MAGE - Level a Star Mage to Level 35.
PRISM SKULL - Level a Star Skull to Level 35.
ROGUE - Have a Fighter and Warrior, Males or Females, each at level 5 or higher.
RONIN - Have a Female Warrior and Female Fighter with a total level of 10 or higher.
SCOUT - Have 2 Fighters/Warriors, Males or Females, each at level 5 or higher.
STAR MAGE - Get 1 Fire,Ice and Wind Mage and level all 3 of them to level 5.
STAR SKULL - Get 1 Fire,Ice and Wind Skull and level all 3 of them to level 5.
Q: Can I use a instead of
anymore? What's happening?
the same corresponding class> to unlock the Ronin/Majin/Ninja etc?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: At what levels are higher tiers for unlocked?
A: Refer to this guide -
Q: Can I delete away the characters I used to unlock Ronin/Majin/etc after I have unlocked it?
A: Yes, you may. Once unlocked, the class/tier stays unlocked.
Q: What character would you recommend me to unlock during the early stages of the game?
A: Ronin. With a winning 110% apt in attack and S mastery in axes and swords, they are pure mean hovoc-wreaking
Q: Why can't I unlock the last tier of Prinny, dood?
A: That's normal. It is the Big Sis Prinny, and can only be unlocked via cheating, ......dood.
Q: What is the strongest class in the game?
A: The Majin class. Unlock them for yourself and you'll see what I mean.
Q: How do unlock a monster for creation?
A: Defeat a generic monster once, and it'll be unlocked for creation.
Q: The monster is too mana hefty for me to create!
A: With repeated killing of that same monster, it becomes less mana hefty every time.
Q: What is the strongest monster class in the game?
A: I would say Galactic Demons because of their insane apt in res and def. Kit Kats are also good for their Mystic
Ultimately, if you cansider Prinny as a monster, then they are no doubt the best for PvP because they double
as a bomb. Ouch! And Pringer Beam is powerful too.
Q: How do I trans a humanoid into a monster/vice versa?
A: Trans the humanoid into a Prinny, then trans the Prinny into a monster. And the opposite applies as well.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:30:17 AM
message detail Q: Are Rogues good?
A: Rouges are only good for stealing, as they are the only class that can steal at 99% success rate. They
also can stat stats besides Thursday (it's redundant though). To steal at 99% success rate, the Rouge has to
be around 52% of the enemy's lvl he's trying to steal from.
Q: How do I go around training a Rogue? He's so weak!
A: One way many players used is to lvl up a Majin's wpn mastery high enough, then transmigrate him into a Rogue.
Have him wield a sword, and Winged Slayer Cave of Ordeal 3, Demonhall Mirror, etc.
Q: How do I go around unlocking the Majin/Angel fast? Those requirements are so damn high!
A: Have a strong character create the generics needed to unlock the Majin/Angel class, have them all wield
the same weapon, and place them in this formation
E- Enemy
M- Master
P- Pupil
and use Cave of Ordeal 3 or whatever good levelling spot for the process. The pupils will all get 1/2
of the total EXP for killing the monster when they participate in the team attack and level up very fast.
Q : Which stat is used to calculate the damage ?
A : Bow - (ATK + HIT)/2
Gun - HIT
Fist - ATK
Sword - ATK
Axe - ATK
Spear - ATK
Spells - INT
Monster weapon - ATK
Q: How many characters can I have at a given time?
A: Disgaea PS2 and PSP - 104 generics, plus 11 reserved slots for storyline/special chars.
Disgaea DS - 35 generics, plus 15 reserved slots for storyline/special chars.
Q: How many characters can I use on the battlefield?
A: 10 at once. If one dies however, the amount of units you can have out for use at a time is reduced by 1, i.e.
9 units left for use and so on.
Q: Capturing enemies? How?
A: To capture enemies, you have to chuck them to your base panel. A simulated one on one fight will occur.
If your unit wins, you capture the enemy. If you lose, your base panel gets destroyed.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:31:01 AM
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Q: Do you have a detailed explaination on how does the monster capturing mechanics goes?
A: 101 of monster capturing. When a monster is thrown into your base panel, it first starts of by discharging
all the remaining SP it has. This SP will randomly hit all units in the base panel, an event of what we call
the SP Burst. If your unit is weak, it can be killed during the SP Burst.
If you still have any remaining units that survived the SP Burst, a one on one battle between the monster and
your unit(s) will be simulated. If you win, you'll obtain the monster. If you lose, you base panel gets
To make monster capturing easier/To increase success of capturing monster(s), it is in your favor to:
- Decrease its SP as much as possible
- Decrease its HP as much as possible
- Have as many units to take on the SP Burst in base panel as possible
- Increase your units stats in the base panel as much as possible
For long term monster capturing, it is best to increase your unit(s) stats as possible. Having to reduce
the enemy's HP and SP repetitively is a huge waste of time.
What you can capture - Monsters that you can make in the DA.
What you cannot capture - Monsters you cannot make in the DA, humanoid chars, mini bosses and bosses.
Myth: You cannot capture a monster too high of your level, say a lvl 1 unit against a lvl 9999 enemy.
Truth: You CAN. My Divine Majin at lvl 1 captured a full HP, SP and SEB lvl 9999 Surt without effort.
Hell the SP Burst only killed 7 of my units, and most of them are well below lvl 100 without
any equips.
Myth: Units killed from monster capturing counts towards ally kill.
Truth: Not in Disgaea 1. It is only effective starting form Disgaea 2 onwards, and possibly retained in the
future as well.
Q: What's aptitude, and how does it work?
A: Aptitude is like an affinity towards a specific stat in-built for all characters. Say your char has an aptitude
of 110% for his atk stats. When I equip a sword with a rating of 100 in atk, that char will obtain 110 boost in
atk stats instead of only 100. Likewise, an aptitude of 70% in atk will result in the sword only giving a 70
points boost in atk stat.
Q: What's Weapon Rank, and how do they work?
A: Weapon rank is your proficiency in that specific wpn, and a higher wpn rank will result in a faster weapon
mastery (level) gain and vice versa (S is the best, to E being the worst).
Q: What does increasing Weapon Mastery Level beget?
A: For every increase in WML, the boost from humanoid wpns will be increased by an extra 5%. Also, weapon based
skills are learnt from being at a specific WML.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:33:07 AM
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Q: How do I increase my Weapon Mastery fast?
A: Find specialist named Armsmasters (They give extra 1% Weapon Mastery EXP boost per level, and caps at lvl 1900).
Q: Level multipliers? What in the world are they?
A: They multiply the stats gain from monster weapons and accessories based on the current level you character
is at. At level 9999, a char gains 13.99x extra boost from accessories and monster weapons.
Q: What's the master-pupil relationship bonus others are talking about?
A: It can mean two things
- Master and pupil have highers chances of team attack.
- Master inherit approximately 10% of a pupil's raw stats, as long as the master doesn't trasmigrate, the stats
stays forever.
Q: How do I train Flonne/Clerics??
A: Using the master/pupil skill learning strategy (explained in Section 4, "SKILLS/SPELLS"), have them learn
some offensive spell(s) and use it against the enemies.
Q: Are storyline-based chars/special chars worth using?
A: Definitely. Unless you can withstand a party of all DMs, which will be pretty boring anyway. Not all storyline
chars are good though.
Q: What are all the status effect in this game, and what do they do?
A: Poison - Depletes a unit's HP by 15% per turn. (Purple bubbles above head)
Sleep - Unit is unable to take action/command. (Sleep signs above head)
Paralyze - Unit is rendered immobile, and unable to move. (Electric signs above head)
Deprave - Affected unit is unable to obtain EXP, and stats are reduced by 20%. (Black swirls above head)
Forget - Unit is unable to use specials. (Question marks above head)
Q: How do I level up fast?
A: Use good levelling spots, and couple it with 300 Statisticians (they give extra 1% EXP boost per lvl, and caps
at lvl 300), and also you may pass Stronger Enemy Bills as seen fitting.
Q: What are some good/best levelling up spots?
A: 5-3
DHM (approx 200 mil EXP+)
ECoO3 (only if you play Etna Mode using New Game+) (approx 300 mil EXP+)
In that order of increasing EXP gain and difficulty.
Q : Is there a way to gain more Skills Mastery points?
A : Unfortunately, no.
Q: What is the level cap of this game?
A: Level 9999.
Q: What is the stats cap for this game?
A: 20,000,000 for all stats except HP (starting from Disgaea PSP onwards, a hard cap was implemented to
prevent stats from rolling over).
Q: How do I learn wpn based skills like Nightsever, etc?
A: Level up your wpn mastery to the lvl required to acquire the skill.
Q: What is the most useful skill/spell in the game?
A: It is undoubtedly the Winged Slayer and/or Big Bang. They have 3x3 grid AoE, which is used to powerlevel a char
in CoO3, DHM and/or ECoO3. Omega Heal is also very good when you're facing against the likes of IG2, etc.
Calamity Drive is very useful against a single target as they deal mean amount of damage, while spells are
useful as they have great range, great AoE and can hit opponent's elemental weaknesses.
Q: What is the most destructive skill in the game?
A: For the melee (including gun), it is the Graviton Bomb or Calamity Drive. Calamity Drive has an insane
multiplier of 110% of power, and ALSO drops opponent's Def by 25% upon hitting them. Ouch! Graviton Bomb has a
multiplier of 90% and dorps opponent's Def by 20%, but it is fire elemental, hence will be even more powerful
than Calamity Drive against an opponent weak towards fire.
As for magic, the most there is a caveat. Tera Fire/Ice/Wind have multipliers of 80% and are elemental based.
Hence, they deal more dmg against elementally weak opponent, while less damage against elementally resistant
opponent. Tera Star on the other hand has a multiplier of 90%, but all units have a native 20% against star
spells, and ignores the effect of geo panel sometimes.
Q: Do you have a list of power multipliers for the skills/spells?
A: Yup. Here:
Triple Strike: +20%
Tiger Charge: +40%
Lion's Roar: +10%
King of Beasts: +60%
Rising Dragon: +80%
Big Bang : +30% (Fire)
Blade Rush: +00%
Hurricane Slash: +30%
Wind Cutter: +20%
Winged Slayer: +10%
Nightsever: +70%
Dimension Slash: +40% (Star, don’t ask)
Impaler: +10%
Sky Lunge: +30%
Asteroid Drop: +10%
Avalanche: +70%
Turbulence: +20% (Wind)
Spear Storm: +30% (Fire)
Poison Arrow: +10%
Dark Flash: +00%
Delta Split: +40%
Sturmhimmel: +20%
Zielregen: +20% (Fire)
Doppelganger: +70%
Tri-Burst: +10% (Ice)
Rapidfire: +20% (Fire)
Proximal Shot: +40% (Star)
Bullet Storm: +50%
Totenkreuz: +60% (Fire)
Inferno: +80%
Boulder Crush: +10% (-10% Def)
Skull Splitter: +30% (-12%)
Colossal Fissure: +50% (-15%)
Violent Storm: +70% (-18%)
Graviton Bomb: +90% (-20% Def, Fire)
Calamity Drive: +110% (-25%)
Fire: +00%
Mega Fire: +20%
Giga Fire: +40%
Omega Fire: +60%
Tera Fire: +80%
Wind: +00%
Mega Wind: +20%
Giga Wind: +40%
Omega Wind: +60%
Tera Wind: +80%
Ice: +00%
Mega Ice: +20%
Giga Ice: +40%
Omega Ice: +60%
Tera Ice: +80%
Star: +10%
Mega Star: +30%
Giga Star: +50%
Omega Star: +70%
Tera Star: +90%
Blazing Knuckle: +10% (Fire)
Overlord's Wrath: +30%
Meteor Impact: +50%
Prinny Raid: +10%
Sexy Beam: +20% (Magic)
Chaos Impact: +40%
Power of Love: It heals...
Holy Arrows: +30% (Magic)
Divine Ray: +40% (Magic)
Gordon Spark: +20%
Gordon Punch: +40%
Gordon Blitz: +60%
Star Buster: +10%
Cosmic Arrow: +20%
Terminus Omega: +60%
Robo Attack: +10%
Robo Crush: +30%
Robo Bazooka: +50%
Arigato Roboto: +150%
Rocket Punch: +30%
Final Punch: +10%
Nuclear Fusion: +00% (Fire)
Dragon's Rage: +00%
Requiem Aeternam: +50% (Magic)
Dark Conjuration: +50% (Magic)
Credit goes to Tyrant_Wave for posting it up.
Q: How do I skills/spells that I can't normally acquire for ?
A: Say you want to learn the spell Fire for Flonne. Now, Flonne can't normally learn Fire by herself, so this is
how we do it. We create a Red Mage under Flonne, so Flonne will be the master, and the Red Mage the pupil.
Since the Red Mage comes with Fire by default, we can have Flonne learn it straight away. How we do this is
we enter a battlefield, put Flonne adjacent (1 grid difference in position) to the Red Mage. Now, you will
see that Flonne has a Fire spell usable under the list of her spells. Cast it until Flonne's Fire mastery
reaches 1, and Flonne will learn the spell permanently (with some exceptions, you can still lose it by transing).
Q: Can I learn all possible skills/spells in the game through master/pupil relationship?
A: You can only learn curative, offensive and buff spells through the relationship. Character/Class specific skills
cannot be learnt.
Q: EH??? Where has my gone to??
There are several possibilities on how this occured
- Transing too many times at poor characteristics (Good-For-Nothing, Incompetent).
For every trans you make, you lose the percentage of 100% - inheritance rate for your skill EXP/lvl and wpn
mastery EXP/lvl. Given enough trans, you can completely forget the skill if your EXP/lvl for a skill or
wpn mastery drops low enough.
- Class specific skills will not be inherited upon trans, and will have to be relearnt if they do not come with
the char at lvl 1.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:36:03 AM
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Q: Do I obtain a power boost in skills per level boost?
A: Yes, a 3% boost in power per level.
Q: Is there a fixed amount of senators present in the game?
A: Yup, but the senators that make a presence when you address a proposal will be semi-randomly chosen amongst
them. The levels of the senator chosen will be based of your character's demon rank.
Q: What affects a senator's liking of an item?
A: The item's rarity number. Each senator have a rarity they prefer, regardless of what that item is. The further
away the item's rarity number from the number the senator prefer, the less the "wanted-ness" of that item is
towards that senator.
Q: Does a senator's love from bribing carries over to the next session?
A: Yes, it does. Be warned, however, that killing the senator when forcing a bill will instantaneously turn
it to loathe. Also remember that a senator's favouritism does not carry over to another char.
Q: What does the Promotion Exam does?
A: Promotion exams increase a char's Demon Rank, which in turn gives him/her access to proposing higher tier bills,
and increases his/her senators influece cap. At Demon Rank 3, a char is given the option to transmigrate.
Q: How come some bills are lightened out (can't be chosen) when i select on it? (Or if a bill is not present
at all)
A: - Your Demon Rank is not high enough.
- You don't have enough Mana for the bill.
- You don't have enough influence for the bill. To propose the bill, you influence must be at least equal
the cost of Mana for the bill.
- Some bills require you to be at or after a certain Episode for you to propose it.
Q: How do I obtain more influence?
A: - Achieve a higher Demon Rank.
- Exit and re-enter the DA command selection screen with a given character. The influence count will be
Q: I've have more voices/influence/points in Yea than Nay, why is my bill rejected?
A: For a bill to be approved, the total number of Yeas subtracted by the total munber of Nays must be equal to
or exceed the Mana cost of the bill.
I.e. Yea - Nay = Mana cost of bill OR Yea - Nay > Mana cost of bill
Q: How come those senators loathe me all of a sudden when I choose ? They all loved me
to death previously, and I have not scathed any single one of them?
A: More often than not, every bill have a penalty of favouritism imposed on them. If you're trying to pass
a higher tiered bill (such as Mysterious Seal) or Raise Military Funds, a heavy negative favouritism penalty
will be applied towards all senators, causing them to hate/loathe you.
On the other hand, bills such as Weaker Enemies Bill have a positive favouritism imposed on them, so it works
the opposite way around.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:36:54 AM
message detail Q: What's the deal with the Prinny Day bill?
A: Prinny Day bill turns the Bonus Gauge of the next map you enter into an item only list (i.e. no EXP+xxx, xxx HL,
etc). However, only Prinnies are able to participate in battle.
Q: What's the deal with the EXPx3 bill?
A: The EXPx3 bill triples the EXP you OR your enemy obtain for the next kill. EXPx3 bill also stacks with the
EXP bonus given by Statisticians (a specialist).
Q: Are all enemies affected by the Stronger Enemy Bills/Weaker Enemy Bills? Even those guys in the Item World?
A: Yes, all enemies are affected the the SEBs/WEBs, with the exception of senators in the Dark Assembly.
Q: Those senators never seem to approve my bills! And they just too high a level for me to beat them into
submission! Help please?
A: There are three ways you can try out to make your bills easier to approve
- Bribing repeatedly. Buy a whole lot of cheap items from the shop or take out any items you don't want,
enter the DA, give whatever item to whichever senators that wants them. Once you've gave out all your
items, choose return to the castle instead of calling for a vote. Rinse and repeat, eventually they will
love you good enough that passing bills shouldn't be so painful.
- Use the combining senators trick. How this trick works is that you bribe the highest levelled senator, and
make very sure he's on your side. When the bill gets rejected, select "Persuade by force". Throw the lower
levelled senators on the highest levelled senator, and the end result is a senator that is on your side.
When all opposing senators have been eliminated using this way, the bill would be passed. Beware though, if
an opposing senator hits the senator supporting you, then the senator that is supporting you will also turn
on you!
- Level up your characters at power-levelling spots I've mentioned previously under Section 3, "CHARACTERS/
STATS EXPLAINATION", buy some better equips and/or level them up in the Item World, and you should be able
to pummel opposing senators with relative ease.
Q: So I herd you can make the senators liek you everytime.
A: When Laharl defeats Baal, he will obtain the Tyrant title. This makes Laharl so fearsome that all senator
agree with him on his proposals 95% of the time. A very handy title.
Q: Eh, my Etna has the Beauty Tyrant title too, so why does the senators still dissent my proposals?!
A: Somehow, the Beauty Tyrant title doesn't beget the effect like Laharl's Trant title does. Ask NIS.
Q: What is transmigration, what does it do?
A: Transmigration does several things towards generic units/classes.
- It gives you the option to change them into another class.
- It gives you the option to change them into another tier within the class.
- It gives you the option to rename them.
- It resets your elemental resistance affinity, and gives you a new set of them.
Transmigration also does several things towards every units, including storyline-base/special characters.
- It gives you the option to change them into a higher characteristic tier (skilled, genius etc)
- It takes their current level before they trans and accumulate it into a counter, which we refer to as
stored levels, and will be taken account for their next trans.
- It rewards you characters with bonus stats/points to allocate into their base stats after trans, depending
on your previously stored levels.
Q: Why does everyone tell me to transmigrate into a genius?
A: Read the explaination of the next question.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:37:36 AM
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Q: So I've read from the in game tutorial, that transing can yield better stats gain? So when should I start
transing so that my chars can gain better stats?
A: Note that several factors are present, and I will try to make them sound as less vague as possible.
When they say that your chars can gain better stats (as in raw stats, stats with no equips equipped) it
really depend on how much base stats your char has at lvl 1 (after transing). The higher your base stats
(Note: Base stat = Stats at lvl 1 without equips; Raw stats = Stats without equips), the more your char
will grow when he/she/it increases level. Now, there are several factors that can help improve your char's
base stats. They are
- The yellow bar (YB). The amount of points in the YBs you have are determined by your raw stats before you
trans. The cap for it is 40 points per YB, achieved when you have at least 1,120,000 HP and 280,000 for
all other stats.
- The blue bar (BB). The amount of points in the BBs are determined by two things. The char's original base
stats (all chars have one) and the bonus points you accumulate via trans. In short, it means you'll have a
fixed amount of BB points everytime when you choose to trans, and the rest of the BB points are allocated
manually by yourself from the bonus point you've earned. BB caps at 200 points per stats, and you will have
choose another stat to boost once this cap has been reached. BP caps at 200 from max stored levels.
- The characteristics of the char you chose when you chose to trans him/her. The reason why many choose to
trans into a genius is because other than its high inheritance rate, transing at genius gives 10 bonus points
extra for you to allocate into your base stats, hence a grand total of 210 bonus point in addition to the 200
bonus points from max stored levels.
- Stats randomization after char creation. So you've allocated base stats using all those bonus points as you'd
liked. It doesn't stop right there! Disgaea's in-game RNG (Random Number Generator) will randomize each stats,
which may increase or decrease a stat. The subtraction/addition of the stats ranges from -15 to +14. So the
max possible base stat for a single stat is 200 BB points + 40 YB points + 14 random points = 254 base stat.
Q: Oh so now that I know that stored levels contributes to more bonus points rewarded to you, so should I
start transmigrate my level ?
A: Transmigrating at low levels for the sake of bonus points/stored levels are ineffective, and a waste of time.
Basically transmigrating at low levels are only recommended for changing classes/tiers and not for the
sake of level storage/bonus points.
Q: Effective cap for stored levels? 185,000 levels or 186,000 levels?
A: 186,000 stored levels. JungleJim made a mistake in his table at one point, causing the levels from that point
onwards to go off track by a thousand levels.
Q: So when should I start transing for the sake of maxing stored levels (as in the FASTEST way to store 186,000
A: Level 1,500 to 1,800 in Laharl mode by using the Demonhall Mirror, and/or level 2,500 in Etna mode, using
Etna Cave of Ordeal 3. Make sure to have 300 statisticians equipped for more EXP gain.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:38:15 AM
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Q: So how do I maximize my character's stats? The best as I can?
A: For this section, I will only teach you how to maximize you char's stats for the transmigration aspect. There
are of course perfect item levelling and etc, but since we are talking about maxing stats via transing first,
so yeah.
- Store 186,000 levels. Make sure that 186,000 levels itself is written on that particular screen display
that comes alongside with other trans details).
- Select to trans, and even out your 210 BP until you see at least 67 points per stats (YB+BB for all stats =
at least 67). Watch out for the stats randomizer too! You don't want any stat to drop below 67 base just to
be safe.
- Level up your char until he/she/it has at least 1,120,000 HP and 280,000 for other stats (raw stats).
- Select to trans again, this time allocate all your bonus points into whatever stats you want to maximize.
- Level up to lvl 9999, and never trans again. You're done!
Q: So what stats do you recommend I maximize?
A: If you want a powerful melee user, put it into ATK. For powerful staff user, INT. Gunner, HIT. Personally I
(and I would recommend to anyone else) to put all BP into HP. Why HP? Because gladiators are easy to come by
and I am playing the PSP version so teachers are easy to come by too. However, one shouldn't worry too much
upon this aspect as the boost from equips are greater, and you can always find some 19998 stats boosting
specialists to boost whatever stats you see needing.
Q: I was at level and since I started transing at the levels you recommended, I see
drop in my stats instead? My skills are also somewhat less effective, sometimes to the extent I can't OHKO
A: That's normal, as transing at lower level naturally means you had less raw stats previously, hence the drop in
YB points which leads to a reduction in stat gain. There is also the loss of weapon mastery EXP/level which leads
less boost from weapons, as well as the loss in skill EXP/lvl which leads to less power boost from skills.
Therefore, it is vital to have a decent set of equips so that you can counter this phenomena, and maintain a
smooth momentum when powerlevelling. The drop in WML and skill lvl can be restored later, so this phenomena is
only temporary. There is no cause for worry.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:38:49 AM
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Q: Are there any missable item(s) in this game?
A: Usually many items are not regarded as missable as you can get them again on your subsequent playthrough.
There are however, some items that can be lost forever, and cannot be obtained again even on subsequent
playthrough if you sell them off without obtaining another copy. They are
- Hyperdrive. The item that enables you to teleport anywhere on the map other than exit portals in Item World
- Gao's Gut, Nyanko Soul, Crowdia's Beauty, Myao's Cat Ears. The four equips that come with Marjoly.
- Nemesis. The equip that comes with Zetta, Priere and Rozalin. The best monster weapon in the game.
Q: How do I obtain the Hyperdrive? Has I been changed from the PSP version onwards?
A: Yup, you are to clear floor 1 to 100 or a Rank 40 item and defeat the Item God 2 WITHOUT exitting the item at
any given time. No Gency-ing allowed, no selecting the option to return to Overlord's Castle when prompted
for every 10 floors (Be careful, as the default cursor is always on "Yes"!).
Q: Where can I find a Legendary Cosmic Blade?
A: You find it randomly attached on a humanoid in the Item World of a good ranked item. Alternatively, you
can reload the stage Beauty of Evil so that one of the Divine Majin there wields a Legendary Amano-Hahakiri,
steal it, travel all the way into its 100th floor and steal the LCB from the Item God.
Q: How do I find out what Rank an item is?
A: Here.
Q: I heard that you can find the corresponding Rank X+1 equip equipped on Item God(2) if you traverse all the way
to floor 100 of a LEGENDARY Rank X equip?
A: Yup, but remember that if you're looking for a specific rarity (common, rare, legendary)(rarity 1-255) or
initial specialist slots, you must only Gency out on floor 99. NEVER EVER Gency out on floor 100 with the IG(2)
still wielding the equip you want, or it'll be gone forever. Also note that some Rank x items will not yield
Rank x+1 items, but only another copy of itself. Examples of such items are Nirvana which do not yield Super
Robo Suit, Nyanko Soul will not yield Nemesis, Nememsis will not yield Nemesis Mk-II etc.
Q: what are the most powerful weapon for each weapon type?
A: Fist - Ultimus (Rank 40)
Sword - Yoshitsuna (Rank 40)
Spear - Glorious (Rank 40)
Bow - Galaxy (Rank 40)
Gun - Etoile (Rank 40)
Axe - Apocalypse (Rank 40)
Staff - Omniscient Staff (Rank 40)
Monster Weapon - Nemesis (Rank 41)
Posted 9/4/2008 12:39:26 AM
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Q: How do I find the ultimate weapons as stated above?
A: Basically their procedures are the same, with the exception of Nemesis. You enter the LEGENDARY Rank 39 weapon
for their corresponding weapon type, traverse all the way to the 100th floor, steal the Rank 40 item from the
Item God 2 wielding it. For Apocalypse though, you can obtain (steal) it directly from an "Angel" in one of
the stages in Demonhall Mirror before you fight Adell. For Nemesis, they are found equipped on Priere, Zetta
and Rozalin when they join you.
Q: How do I obtain the corresponding LEGENDARY Rank 39 weapons?
A: Their procedures are usually same, with you going into a good ranked item and find it on a random enemy humanoid.
They can also be found on bonus lists if the bonus rank of that stage is high enough. For God's Hand, there is a
chance a legendary one can be obtained after you clear Cave of Ordeal 5. For Longinus, just get a person's
spear mastery to lvl 25, enter and exit the Dark Assembly, talk to Longinus (the spear in your castle) and you
will get it.
Q: Common, Rare, Legendary? What are the difference?
A: There are several differences between these three categories
Stat Bonus: x 1 (equals base power of the equip)
specialist slots: 4-7
Display: Black text
Rarity Number: 32-255
Item World Floors: 30
Stat Bonus: x 1.25 (equals to 1.25x base power of the equip)
Specialist slots: 7-10
Display: Flashing silver text
Rarity Number: 8-31
Item World Floors: 60
Stat Bonus: x 1.50 (equals 1.50x base power of the equip)
Specialist slots: 10-13 (13 starting slots items are only obtainable from bonus list)
Display: Flashing gold (flashing blue/cyan text for trophy items)
Rarity Number: 0-7
Item World Floors: 100
Q: What are the probability of an item being legendary?
A: 1/32 for items which have all the 3 varieties (common, rare, legendary). Rank 40 and above Items are always
Q: Trophy items? What are they?
A: The three trophy items are Yoshitsuna, Super Robo Suit and Hyperdrive. They have oversized icons and flashing
blue/cyan texts instead of the normal gold.
Q: What are some good equips I should have?
A: Yoshitsuna, Apocalypse, Omniscient Staff, Super Robo Suit, Nemesis if you're planning to use monster chars or
special chars flagged as monsters, Hyperdrive, Champion Belt.
Q: What is the best humanoid weapon in this game?
A: It depends on what you consider "best" as. If you want versatililty, the Yoshi comes first as it has a
hitting range of 5, adds 2 extra move to your character and has AoE skills as wide as 3x3. But if you
are emphasizing on raw strength, the the Apocalypse is the strongest melee in the game due to the insane
110% multiplier boost and the 25% reduction in opponent's defence for Calamity Drive (skill). Omniscient
Staff is the strongest staff in the game.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:39:50 AM
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Q: What is the best accessories to have for your character in this game?
A: I would normally equip 3 Super Robo Suits on my character, as they boost overall stats and provide an extra
9 Move range in total. Hyperdrive is also good for item world travelling, and some players use Champion
Belt(s) for a huge boost in ATK.
Q: How come when I equip an item on a character, it boosts his/her/its stats more than what is written on the
A: Well, one obvious factor comes from the CHAR'S APTITUDE itself. The second factor comes from your WPN MASTERY
LVL MULTIPLIER. For every lvl increase in WML, you obtain a 5% extra boost in wpn stats when you equip it on,
resulting in a 13.75x wpn stats boost at 255 WML. The third factor comes from your LEVEL MULTIPLIER, which
gives you a 13.99x boost in equips other than humanoid wpn at char lvl 9999.
For staves (plural of staff), there is an additional bonus. The STAFF BONUS (which is one of the multiplier
present in magic dmg calc) increase by 3% per level of staff mastery, up to a bonus of 100% extra. Staves also
gain an extra +4 range and +4 area at lvl 16 mastery.
Q: What is this "Rarity Bonus" I've been hearing of?
A: When a character equips two or more equips with the same rarity NUMBER, they obtain additional stats boost
corresponding to how many equips he/she/it have of the same rarity number.
2 matching rarity no. = 10% extra bonus gain
3 matching rarity no. = 20% extra bonus gain
4 matching rarity no. = 30% extra bonus gain
Posted 9/4/2008 12:41:35 AM
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Q: What are residents then?
A: Residents are whatever living entity present in item itself, but most people use it loosely with specialists.
Q: Subduing specialists? How?
A: Specialists are present in every item, and they are unsubdued in nature (with the exception of glitched
items in the PSP version). When you enter the Item World of that item, there is a random chance you'll see a
given specialist from that item for every floor you travelled. When this happens, there will be a "CHECK"
symbol appearing on the specialist's head. To subdue it, just head towards it and defeat it. If you're
succesful, the next time you check the item, that subdued specialist will have blue text instead of a
black text and its beige dot would be replaced with an orange dot.
Specialists also doubles in level (power) when subdued. Also, subdued specialists can be moved across items.
Q: Do specialists stack?
A: Yup, but they have a effective level cap, and stacking beyond the level with beget no further improvement in
what the specialist does. Stat modifying specialists cap at 19998 per slot.
Q: How do I combine specialists?
A: Talk to the Item World NPC. Move all the specialists of the same type into one item, and select "Combine
Specialists" under the list of options available.
Q: I missed subduing a specialist. Will I get another chance to do so again?
A: Yes, that specialist will randomly appear on one of the floors in the item again, even if you've exitted
the item, etc.
Q: Can I skip a floor? Will my stats gain be affected?
A: You may skip floors without having it affect your stats gain, but be sure to kill all the Item Bosses you see.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:42:16 AM
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Q: How do I perfect level an item?
A: To perfect level an item means to boost an items base stats as far as it can go, and at the same time boosting
the primary stats you're aiming for.
Say I want to perfect level a Yoshi tsuna, and focusing mainly on maximizing ATK, this is what we have to do.
We first need to find the highest slot available for that item, in Yoshi's case it is a 12 slotted Yoshi.
Then we'll need to enter the Yoshi, and subdue every single specialists present in it before the 10th floor.
This may involve some resetting/exitting and re-entering Yoshi's item world to make all the specialists appear
before the 10th floor. Once this is done, Gency out, remove all the specialists present in the Yoshi, and
fill all the 12 slots in with Gladiators now (since we're maximizing ATK here). The level of the Gladiators
(Specialists) does not matter. Proceed to the 10th floor, and kill the Item General. When prompted to exit,
you can choose to or not to leave but remember if you leave by Gencying out the previous Item Boss(es) kill(s)
will be negated (which we don't want it to happen, sice their kill contribute to huge stats growth).
Proceed to floor 20, kill the Item General and proceed to floor 30, kill the Item King, and clear/skip the stage.
When prompted to return to the castle, do so. You will now see that there is another extra slot in your Yoshi
now. Put in another gladiator, and re-enter the IW of the Yoshi. Travel all the way to floor 40, kill the Item
General, and proceed to floor 50 and kill the Item General. Go all the way to the 60th floor and kill the
Item King. Exit, put in another gladiator and proceed. Repeat the steps to floor 90, by killing all the Item
Bosses in the way and putting in the last gladiator.
Travel all the way to floor 99, Gency out and save if you're going for another specific piece of Yoshi. Reach
floor 100, steal the Yoshi from Item God 2, kill it, and finish the 100th floor. Congratulations! You have your
perfected Yoshi. Go show it off to your friends now.
Q: I've gotten to floor 100, but I don't see no Item God 2?
A: Item God 2 are only present on the 100th floor of a Rank 40 item, at lvl 6933 with no Stronger Enemies Bill
Q: I am stuck on a floor with unreachable enemy/exit, help?
A: Depending on the situation, you may
- Use fist relocating moves to move units.
- Use geo panel destruction to damage units you can't reach.
- You can destroy a Geo Symbol by throwing it on an enemy (if conditions are met, a geo panel destruction will
set off)
- Summon the Dark Cannon using a Scout to damage units you can't reach.
- Tower throwing your characters.
- Use the Geo Change ability of a Scout.
- Cast spells (they have the longest range of 9)
- Use a Hyperdrive (if you have one)
- Exit using a Mr. Gency Exit, and re-enter. The map will be different this time.
Q: How many colors are there for Geo Symbols?
A: 6. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple and Null.
Q: How many colors are there for Geo Panels?
A: 6. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, and Cyan.
Q: What does the effect stated on the Geo Symbol does to all the panel of the same color it resides on?
A: Damage x% - Damages all units' HP by x% per turn.
Ally Damage x% - Damages only your units' HP by x% per turn.
ATK +x% - Increases the ATK, HIT or INT of a unit by x%.
DEF +x% - Increases the DEF or RES of a unit by x%.
Attack +x - Increases the amount of action done by a unit by x time(s).
Enemy Boost +x% - Boost enemy units power by x%.
Enemy Boost x3 - Triples enemy units powe.
Recovery x% - Recovers units' HP by x% per turn.
Silence - Units are unable to use skills/spell.
Evade - All damage taken by units are always nick. Nick reduces damage by half.
No Color Change - Geo Chain will not occur if this is not destroyed first.
No Lifting - Units cannot be lifted (Can be re-positioned by fist skills though)
No Entry (Not present in Item World) - Prohibits entry on affected area (includes throwing under normal
Warp - Randomly warps unit to another covered panel.
Invincibility - Units are impervious towards attack/skill/spell.
Clone - Randomly duplicates a unit on covered area. Clones have exact equipments and stats of the
original unit. Clones gives 1/4 EXP when killed, and their equipments cannot be stealed.
EXP +x% - Increases the EXP worth of a unit by x%
HL +x% - Increases the HL worth of a unit by x%
Q: Can I steal from clones?
A: Nope. The percentage of success will alway be 0%.
Q: Can I Geo Change more than once per stage?
A: Nope, even if you have more than 1 Scout.
Q: I don't understand how Geo Chaining works!
A: Basically, effective geo chaining works by setting off a geo symbol, and that geo symbol will in turn change
the same colored tiles into another color, and the process repeats, ending with the negation of all geo panels
which will earn you the panel termination bonus.
The basic idea is that you put a different colored geo symbol on a different colored geo panel, say a red symbol
on a blue panel. Then you proceed by putting on different colored symbols on blue panels as well. An place the
null symbol the furthest away (geo panel destruction follows a spiral pattern). Of course during this process,
there is some visualising needed in the mind and some planning ahead for us to achieve the highest geo chain
possible, and ultimately the panel termination bonus.
For more info regarding geo chaining, refer here -
Q: Man I suck at Geo Chaining. Any advices?
A: Read the FAQs of the link I gave you, and practice it in the Item World. Practice makes perfect.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:45:53 AM
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Q: How do I get the option to choose between Laharl Mode or Etna Mode using New Game +?
A: Firstly, you have to have Etna's secret chamber unlocked in Laharl Mode. To do trick, activate a hidden
button behind the castle's throne and another switch in the skull near the shop. Enter the room
where a Prinny is standing (the room with the spear, Longinus, a gargoyle, etc) and click on the wall
behind the Prinny. Etna will enter her chamber, where her diary entries will be updated every chapter.
Be sure to read them all before the last chapter (Chapter 14) and you will be awarded with a Testament on
final chapter. This signifies that you can choose Etna Mode via New Game + the next time.
Q: Do I have to read Etna's Diary again to play in Etna Mode via NG+ the next time?
A: No, it is unnecessary as once the option is unlocked, it is unlocked forever.
Q: How many endings are there in this game?
A: There are 8 endings for Laharl/Normal Mode, and 2 Endings for Etna Mode.
Q: What are the endings for Laharl Mode?
A: They are the
- Normal Ending
- Good/Best Ending
- Dark Assembly Ending
- Etna Heroine Ending
- Flonne Tragedy Ending
- Item God Ending
- Midboss Ending
- Overthrowing Earth Ending
Q: How do I get them?
A: 1. Good/Best Ending - Complete the game without a single ally kill.
2. Normal Ending - Finish the game with at least 1 ally kill, and do not fulfil requirements for the 7
other endings.
3. Item God Ending - Kill an Item God or Item God 2, then finish the game.
4. Dark Assembly Ending - Force proposals in the Dark Assembly 50 times, then finish the game normally.
5. Etna Heroine Ending - Get at least 100 ally kills before Chapter 5, Stage 4, then choose to kill Maderas when
6. Flonne Tragedy Ending - Get at least 50 ally kills before Chapter 3, Stage 4, then choose to kill Hoggmeiser
when prompted.
7. Midboss Ending - Lose to Midboss in Chapter 1, 4, 6 or 10.
8. Overthrowing Earth Ending - Pass the "Human World" proposal at the Dark Assembly, then complete the Human
World stages.
Note: - Endings 5 to 8 will immediately end the game, and take precedence over endings 1 to 4.
- Ending 4 takes precedence over Ending 3, which takes precedence over Ending 2, which takes
precedence over Ending 1, in that order of Endings priority.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:46:41 AM
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Q: Woah woah woah now just waittaminnit you.. 50 proposal forcings? Isn't it 100?
A: From the looks of it, Disgaea PSP seemed to reduced the proposal forcing number from 100 to 50, as testified
by another Disgaea PSP player and myself, so Disgaea DS should follow the same rule. In any event should I be
mistaken, do notify me.
Q: What are the Endings for Etna Mode?
A: They are the
-Normal/Default Ending
-Beauty Tyrant Overlord Etna Ending
Q: How do I get them?
A: 1. Beauty Tyrant Overlord Etna Ending - Pass the proposal for Alternate Netherworld and The Mysterious Seal
in Dark Assembly, then move on by defeating Priere, Marjoly and lastly
2. Normal/Default Ending - Beat the story normally by finishing the last chapter in Etna mode.
Note: Ending 2 takes precedence over Ending 1.
Q: What are considered ally kills, and what isn't?
A: Ally = Your own units (NPCs do not contribute to your ally kill count)
What IS an ally kill
- One of your unit dies when another of your unit hits it with physical attack, skill, or spell.
It doesn't matter if you're a victim of your own AoE skills/spells due to accidental positioning
of units. Hence, beware.
What ISN'T an ally kill
- Your unit dies from a Geo Chain.
- Your unit dies from a Dark Cannon.
- Your unit dies from a Prinny exploding
- A prinny dies from exploding.
- Your unit dies from lift damage.
- Your unit dies when you chuck a monster into your base panel.
- Thursday's Arigato Roboto.
Q: Is there a New Game +
A: Yes, there is.
Q: What do I retain in New Game +, and what can I do in New Game +?
A: You will retain all characters, along with their stats and equips, but some storyline/special chars have to
be recruited again. You keep all your inventories, your songs, Laharl's Tyrant title, Etna's Beauty Tyrant
title, your demon rank, your senators favouristism, your unlocked classes, customer rank, product level and
money. Also, all conditions that affects Ending are resetted.
In New Game +, you can choose to see a different ending this time, grind up in some good spot with some
basic knowledge of the game, and try to beat the ultimate secret boss after the process. You can also aim
to maximizes a character's stats/capabilities, try out Etna mode, etc. If none of them appeal to you, its time
for a new game then. More Disgaea, perhaps? (Disgaea 2, 3)
Posted 9/4/2008 12:47:09 AM
message detail =====================
Q: How/Where do I obtain all the songs in the game?
A: 1 - Good Ending/Default Ending - Flower of Happiness
2 - Overthrowing Earth Ending - Ode to Laharl
3 - Etna Ending/Overlord Etna Ending - Etna Boogie
4 - Flonne Ending - The Tragic Marionette (Item God Ending, Dark Assembly Ending as well and game over song)
5 - Midboss Ending - What a Beautiful Life of Mine
6 - Chapter 8, Red Moon - Red Moon
7 - Chapter 5, Madaras/Chapter 13, Bridge - My Comrade
8 - Etna Mode Ending - Nightmare Girl
Q: How do I get PLEINAIR??!!!11elevenshift+1??
A: Complete any ending, choose New Game + and finish the tutorial stage. Now talk to Pleinair once the
Dark Assembly has opened, and choose the empty option you see (alongside with the option for summoning the
DA, tutorial). She will now join you.
Q: How do I get Adell and Rozalin?
A: Complete the Cave of Ordeal, Demonhall Mirror will appear. Enter DHM repeatedly, and you will have to
fight through many waves of battle (make sure you steal the Apocalypse on the "Angel"!). Finally,
Adell will appear, beat him and re-enter DHM again. This time she will pair up with Rozalin to fight you.
If you win, you recruit them both.
Q: How do I get Zetta?
A: Max out your Stronger Enemy Bills, and talk to the dimensional gatekeeper. She will tell you of how a
powerful presence is detected in Stellar Graveyard. Choose the last stage, you will face Zetta and his cronies.
Beat him up, and he will join your party.
Q: How do I get Priere?
A: Pass the Alternate Netherworld bill in the Dark Assembly, clear the Alt Netherworld stages, defeat Priere
and she will join you.
Q: How do I get Marjoly?
A: Pass the Mysterious Seal bill, clear the Beauty Castle stages, defeat Marjoly and she will join you.
Q: How do I get Mid-Boss, Uber Prinny Baal, Prism Rangers, etc etc?
A: You can't, unless you use a cheat or hacking device.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:47:50 AM
message detail ==================================
Q: So I know that starting from Disgaea PSP, a linking/multiplayer option was added into it from the PS2 version.
Care to elaborate more upon it? How do I use the linking/mutiplayer option?
A: After you completed Chapter 1, return to Laharl's chamber. There will now be a Prinny, and beside it is the
Transmissional Device/Communicator.
Upon making a Network Card, you can now chose to buy/sell items with your finds and battle with them.
Basic rules -
You do not obtain EXP in multiplayer mode. Max number of dispatchable units are reduced to 8, and items
usage are prohibited as well. Special skills such as Geo Change and Dark Cannon are also disabled.
However, units within Base Panel recovers HP every turn.
Unit limit -
You can restrict the number of units in the Base Panel. 8 units are the cap regardless of how high a
number you set, and you lose if 8 units are destroyed.
Geo Panel -
You have the option to enable or disable GP in multiplayer battle map.
Battle Effects -
You can choose to turn battle effects ON or OFF.
Victory -
Victory is attained by 2 ways, you either destroy all enemy units, or destroy the Leader. If a Leader dies,
you lose.
Time Limit -
You can select wait time for you command phase. If selected time passes by, its your opponent's turn.
Search Mode (Fog of War) -
Turn this on, and you can only see 3 panels around your units and Base Panel. You cannot attack or throw
into darkened area. You can move to covered area, but will stop if there is obstuction long the way.
Unlike other units Prinnies can see 4 panels away.
Demon Gadgets -
There are three different demon gadgets: Level Sphere, Soul Pod, and the Doomed Soul.
Level Spheres can level up your units, Soul Pods can be thrown into the base panel to gain 1 geo soul.
Doomed Souls are the ultimate demon gadgets, as they cannot be destroyed. Dont throw them towards people.
Neutral Force -
Neutral Force does not affect the Victory Conditions, but will attack both you and your opponent.
Geo Cubes -
Geo Cubes are multi-player exclusive items that can be used to cast different effects
(structured in this way to prevent confusing with geo symbols). Before the battle, you will select
8 geo cubes, which 5 will be randomly selected. In order to use Geo Cubes, you will need Geo Souls.
You start off each battle with 0 geo souls, but you will gain 1 geo soul every turn.
Level Limit -
You can limit the max level allowed in battle. Units stroner than the selected levels will be toned down.
Everything will return to normal after battle.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:48:14 AM
message detail SELLING/BUYING ITEMS:
You can buy and sell items from/to your friend, but certain rule applies.
- Buyers will pay for an item, but the seller does not receive any money.
- However, seller does not lose the items they sold.
- The price of an item is half of the regular Item Shop price.
- Certain rare items cannot be placed for selling.
- You receive the same rarity and level of the sold item, but specialists do not carry over.
Q: If I can buy items from my friend, does it mean I can dupe the items I want?
A: You cannot buy r40 items and above.
You can buy and sell items, but specialists do not carryover. Also, you cannot buy an item if you already own
the same rarity of that item (Ie. if you have a rarity 0 LCB in you're possession, you cannot buy another
rarity 0 LCB.)
Now, if you really plan on abusing the system however, you can lvl a R39 item to floor 98, save and have your
friend sell you that item. Enter it and get to floor 100 (just two floors away) and steal the R40 item. Then
sell the lvl 100 R39 item and re-buy you're friend's R39 item so that you can once again enter it at floor 98
(yup, very cheap ain't it?) It's arguably the easiest way to farm R40 items (and is not recommended for serious
Q: Does the multiplayer support online connection?
A: Unfortunately, no. Only local wi-fi connection can be used. For the PSP version however, you can choose
to fiddle with Xlink Kai and see whether it works or not. I personally have not tried it myself yet.
Posted 9/4/2008 12:49:51 AM
message detail ================================================================
Q: About time you told us what are the differences between the PS2, PSP and DS version.
A: I will tell you most of the major changes from one version to another, while minor cosmetic differences
may be deliberately left out by me.
- Etna's NA version voice actor is Amanda-Winn-Lee, which is dubbed by many as better than the current
Etna's voice actor.
- Few exclusive songs such as Tsunami Bomb's "The Invasion From Within" are not removed.
- Has no option to turn off animation.
- Have no DS version's extended options.
- Has no Music Shop
- Has no Multiplayer Mode
- Has no Etna Mode
- No Pleinair, Adell, Rozalin and Zetta fighting/recruiting.
- The last stage in Cave of Ordeal, Demonhall Mirror is absent.
- One fixed song for Item World
- Counter glitch absent
- Glitched items absent
- Record Keeper absent
- No mini-map
- No touch screen
- Good graphics quality
- Good audio quality
- Full voice acting
- Etna's NA version voice actor has been changed to Michelle Ruff, which is dubbed by many as average to good
by not up on par as Amanda.
- Few exclusive songs were removed.
- Has an option to turn off animation.
- Have no DS version's extended options.
- Has Music Shop
- Has Multiplayer Mode
- Has Etna Mode
- Have Adell, Rozalin and Zetta fighting, but no recruiting. Pleinair is also not available for recruiting.
- The last stage in Cave of Ordeal, Demonhall Mirror is present.
- Purchased songs can be selected for Item World.
- Counter glitch present
- Glitched items present
- Record Keeper present
- No mini-map
- No touch screen
- Good graphics quality
- Good audio quality
- Full voice acting
- Etna's NA version voice actor has been changed to Michelle Ruff, which is dubbed by many as average to good
by not up on par as Amanda.
- Few exclusive songs were removed.
- Has an option to turn off animation.
- Have DS version's extended options.
- Has Music Shop
- Has Multiplayer Mode
- Has Etna Mode
- Have Adell, Rozalin and Zetta fighting and recruiting. Pleinair is available for recruiting.
- The last stage in Cave of Ordeal, Demonhall Mirror is present.
- Purchased songs can be selected for Item World.
- Counter glitch absent
- Glitched items absent
- Record Keeper present
- Mini-map present
- Touch screen present
- Graphics quality reduced
- Audio quality reduced (BGMs have been completely recomposed)
- Voice acting severely cut down (JP version)
- Includes Wario Nakamoto as Narrator
Posted 9/4/2008 12:51:29 AM
message detail ============================
Q: I think Disgaea is pretty cool, and I'm addicted towards in. Where can I find some artwork for it?
Q: Where can I get Disgaea products, merchandises etc?
Q: I have some unanswered question. Help?
A: Do post your questions up and I will attend to it. It may be added into future revisions to help
out even more people.
A special thanks to:
- Gamefaqs;
- Tyrant_Wave, for posting up the skills multiplier list, and calculating the optimal storage level
- Dmonrei, for elaborating on what you can and can't buy/sell in Multiplayer Mode
- Jamic77 for making the D1 sticky at GameFAQs which I modeled this one after;
- Myself, for writing this FAQ/guide;
- and YOU, for reading this FAQ/Guide.
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